Publikationen in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern von Universidad de Salamanca (32)


  1. Framing Immigration News in Spanish Regional Press

    International Migration, Vol. 52, Núm. 6, pp. 197-215

  2. Is it a small world after all? Mapping intercultural competence in computer mediated communication users in Spanish campus

    International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, Vol. 5, Núm. 3, pp. 47-64


  1. Cognitive and attitudinal effects of the news frame and group cue on processing news about immigration

    59th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association

  2. Moderating effect of group cue while processing news on immigration: Is the framing effect a heuristic process?

    Journal of Communication, Vol. 59, Núm. 4, pp. 726-749

  3. The water cycle or media attention cycle? Water news revisited

    59th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association


  1. Moderating effect of group cue on processing news frames on immigration

    ICA 2008: 58th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association

  2. News framing heads vs. tails: an empirical study on immigration information treatment In Spanish press

    ICA 2008: 58th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association


  1. Efectos cognitivos y afectivos de los encuadres noticiosos de la inmigración

    V Jornadas de Comunicación "Medios de Comunicación, Inmigración y Sociedad. Retos y propuestas para el siglo XXI"